FULL STORY:  Has a MEME significantly improved your life . . . or maybe something that your grandmother once told you . . . or maybe something cheesy from a self-help book or Hallmark card.  

People on social media are sharing “simple pieces of advice” that have “significantly improved their life.”  And here are the best ones:

1.  If you can’t beat the fear, do it scared.

2.  Talk yourself into doing things by saying, “just do it as a joke.”  

3.  It’s better to ASK stupid than to DO stupid.

4.  You can’t control the emotions you feel . . . but you can control the actions you do regarding those emotions.

5.  Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t accept advice from.

6.  You don’t want to enter your golden years thinking that you spent your life worrying about things that MIGHT happen, but never did.

7.  Self-abuse is also abuse.  Talk kindly to yourself.

8.  Don’t compare your “behind-the-scenes” to someone else’s highlight reel.

9.  It’s okay to be jealous of someone, but you have to be jealous of the whole package, not just part.  For example, if you want to be jealous of their nice house, you have to be jealous of their soul-crushing job too.

10.  The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is today.

11.  Don’t light yourself on fire to keep others warm.

12.  Try to be the person YOU needed when you were younger.

13.  The biggest lie we tell ourselves every day is:  “I don’t need to write that down, I’ll remember it.”

14.  Don’t argue with idiots.  The best result you can hope for is that you’ve won an argument with an idiot.

15.  Instead of using a plain chocolate bar when making s’mores, use a peanut butter cup. 




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