FULL STORY:  Normally, “ambulance chasing” has a negative connotation for lawyers . . . but in this case, it could be a GOOD thing.

A law firm in Oregon has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a 71-year-old man named William Hoesch, who was riding his bike a couple years ago, when an ambulance crashed into him after turning into his path.

The ambulance scooped William up, and rushed him to the hospital.  But then they later billed him more than $1,800 for the ride.  

That isn’t the only bill he’s dealing with.  He says he’s racked up $47,000 in medical expenses, and expects another $50,000 of medical costs in the future.  He fractured his nose . . . got scraped and bruised up . . . and he says he also suffered decreased range of motion, reduced grip strength, and other injuries.

William and his lawyers have filed a $997,000 lawsuit against the ambulance provider, Columbia River Fire & Rescue.  They haven’t responded.



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