A 62-year-old guy in L.A. crashed a dump truck into his own house on Sunday, because his wife is leaving him and was getting a restraining order.

Maybe this guy forgot that he ALSO gets half in the divorce:  Some idiot in L.A. rammed his car into his OWN HOUSE the other day . . . then came back with a DUMP TRUCK to do even more damage.

It was all because his wife is divorcing him, and filed for a restraining order this month.  It definitely sounds like she needed one.

According to neighbors, 62-year-old Ronald Dunn showed up Sunday afternoon in a white Chevy Impala and, quote, “tore up the garage door” with it.  Then he left, but came back minutes later in a dump truck, and crashed it into the house multiple times.  He also smashed up cars on the street, and it’s all on video.

It’s not clear where he got the dump truck.  He eventually drove off in it, but still wasn’t done.  He came back a third time to do it again in the same Chevy Impala.

Cops are catching flack for taking over 30 minutes to get there.  They say the initial report came through as a car crash, not a crime.  So that’s why.

Last we heard, they hadn’t said if he’d been charged yet, or was still on the run.  His soon-to-be-ex said she was staying somewhere else, just in case he decided to come back. 



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