FULL STORY:  To-do lists can help you stay on task and get more done.  But is it possible you’re already getting TOO MUCH done?  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, think about making a “TO-DON’T” list instead.  

To-don’t lists are for all the non-essential things we do that suck up our time.  Or, things we do a certain way that might not be so hard if we changed them up.

A to-don’t list might include things like, “Don’t overcommit to social engagements” . . . “Don’t offer to do favors for everyone” . . . “Don’t schedule meetings before 11:00 AM” . . . and, “Don’t skip lunch just to keep working.”

The idea is to be mindful about the stuff that’s eating up your time and making life less enjoyable.  But unlike to-do lists, you don’t need to make one every day.

Just do it once.  Then check in on it to remind yourself of all the stuff you DON’T want to do, and to see if there’s anything else you need to add.  (ABC Everyday / Good News Network / Fast Company)



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