FULL STORY: Do you go through a mental checklist before walking out the door to make sure you don’t forget anything?  There’s your keys . . . your wallet . . . your phone . . . and of course your spare underwear. 

According to a survey, “nearly half of all Americans” carry BACKUP UNDERWEAR with them. 

And the reasons why include:  In case they “have an accident” . . . because they plan to change clothes during the day, like after going to the gym . . . or because they’re clumsy, and might spill something on themselves. 

70% of people who carry spare underwear say they HAVE had it come in handy at least once.

And this is more common among the younger generations.  60% of Gen Z’ers and 57% of Millennials say they have “in-case-of-emergency” underwear.

One more thing:  People who carry back-up underwear are more likely to replace their undergarments sooner.  82% of them say you should replace your underwear after two years.  Among the people who DON’T carry spares, 83% say they’re keeping their underwear for at least three years. 




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