FULL STORY:  Whoever runs New Jersey’s official social media accounts best be careful, because wars have been fought over less than this . . .

Last week, someone on X posed this question just for fun:  “If Disneyland is the ‘happiest’ place on Earth, where do you think is the ‘saddest’ place on Earth?”

And on Monday, New Jersey’s official account responded to it . . . by posting a map of PENNSYLVANIA.    Just the map, nothing else.  (Here’s the tweet.)

It was obviously a silly jab, and a nod to the cross-state rivalry.  But now Pennsylvanians have been responding with their own insults.  Here are the best responses we’ve seen . . .

1.  Several people said things like, “Big talk from people who aren’t allowed to pump their own gas.”  New Jersey is the only state where you have to let an employee do it.

2.  One person suggested no one wants to live there, saying, “Every time I drive to New Jersey, I cross a bridge that has a toll to get out, but not to get in.”

3.  Another told New Jersey residents, “You don’t have a personality outside of Bruce Springsteen and pork rolls.”

4.  “The only sad part about Pennsylvania is how close it is to New Jersey.”

5.  A not-so-proud Pennsylvanian insulted New Jersey with, “I will not let the armpit of the country slander my state, no matter how true [their] tweet is.”

6.  Some guy said yeah sure, Pennsylvania sucks . . . that’s why everyone from Jersey flocks to Philly when they want to “eat something other than Arby’s.”

7.  Some guy roped in a third state, saying, “False.  Not while OHIO still exists.”

8.  Someone else looked east and said, “I don’t see how anyone who regularly interacts with NEW YORKERS could think this is the right neighbor to insult.” 




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