FULL STORY:  It’s a new day . . . fall has just begun . . . but there’s still some warmer “summer” in the air.  So it’s a good time to ask:  On a scale of 1 to 10 . . . how DOOMED are you?  

A new survey asked 5,000 Americans, across all 50 states, how OPTIMISTIC they are on a scale of 1 to 10.  And the GOOD NEWS is that the average answer was 6.7. 

The most optimistic people are in Wyoming, where the average was 7.2.  California is second, followed by New Jersey . . . Alabama . . . and Maryland.

The least optimistic state is Vermont, where the average was 6.0.  Texas and Mississippi were second, followed by West Virginia and Kansas.

The GENERATION that’s the most optimistic is Boomers.  Millennials are next, followed by Gen X, and then Gen Z pulling up the rear.

It can seem like Boomers carry a lot of doom and gloom, but according to the survey, most older folks avoid letting daily annoyances get under their skin . . . and “kick off their day with a positive mindset.”

Overall, the survey found that the people who are the most optimistic have healthier habits:  They have better diets, stick to regular exercise routines, spend time outdoors, and get as much sleep as they can.

They also “brush off setbacks” . . . and are “less bothered by daily frustrations.”

(Icelandic Provisions)



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