Do you have friends from work who you’ve allowed into your PERSONAL life?  Or do you intentionally AVOID work social events, because you don’t want to be around your coworkers more than you have to?

In a survey, 59% of workers say they couldn’t get through the day without having friends at work.  And 49% of people who are currently looking for a job are worried about being able to make friends at their next workplace.

Younger adults are MORE likely to say that work friendships are important to them.  That drops as you get older . . . with seniors caring the LEAST about it.

The survey asked job-seekers what the benefits are to having besties at work.  And here are the top nine responses:

1.  Improved mental health . . . 47% said that.

2.  Improved productivity . . . 46% said that.

3.  Increased desire to stay with the company long-term . . . 45%.

4.  Increased morale . . . 41%.

5.  Reduced burnout . . . 39%.

6.  Less desire to quit or leave the company . . . 34%.

7.  Fewer interpersonal conflicts in the workplace . . . 33%.

8.  Better opinion of company culture . . . 33%.

9.  Better opinion of the company, in general . . . 29%.

Naturally, BOSSES want their employees to have good relationships with coworkers.  A whopping 97% of hiring managers agree that there are benefits to employees forming friendships at work.

(PR Newswire)



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