FULL STORY:  Everyone has had people tell them that it’s very important that their passwords are SECRET.  So apparently . . . a lot of Americans have made their password the actual word “secret.”

Every year, a company called NordPass goes through all the lists of hacked passwords that get leaked on the internet, to figure out the most common, easy, and hackable ones that people are still using.

The #1 most commonly hacked password that Americans used in 2024 is . . . “secret.”  That password took less than a second to be hacked, and has been used more than 328,000 times.

The second-worst was “123456,” which is the #1 worst globally.

The rest of the 10 worst in the U.S. are:  “password” . . . “qwerty123” . . . “qwerty1” . . . “123456789” . . . “password1” . . . “12345678” . . . “12345” . . . and “abc123.”

Somewhere, a room full of Russians are looking up from their fake Facebook accounts and smiling.

Other common bad ones include:  “iloveyou” . . . “baseball” . . . “princess” . . . “football” . . . “monkey” . . . and “sunshine.”




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