Most of us lost an hour due to “springing forward” for Daylight Saving Time yesterday, so this is PERFECT:  Today is National Napping Day.

There are TWO ways to celebrate:  For starters, you can take a nap.  (???)  Experts recommend 20 to 30 minutes to feel energized. 

A 60-minute nap will make you feel more rested . . . but you’ll probably feel lethargic and groggy when you wake up.  If you’re out for longer than that, you’ll enter REM sleep, which also means you’re probably sleep-deprived.

If you are NOT a napper, you can still celebrate by going to bed earlier tonight.  You can jump-start that by exercising a little this evening . . . or by enjoying a hot bath or shower.

Even though the time-change is just an hour, studies show that it CAN impact people for several days.

In a poll, 42% of people say they’ve had their sleep affected in some way by Daylight Saving Time . . . and women say they feel the effects more than men.

In another new poll, 60% of people would LOVE IT if they never had to change their clocks again.  22% of people want to keep the time changes . . . and 18% of people said they’re “not sure.”



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